recoveriX for Stroke

Just 18 hours of dedicated recoveriX training
can yield remarkable results.

nine hole peg test

While complete recovery may not always be possible after a stroke, recoveriX neurorehabilitation can still help optimize function, enhance quality of life, and promote independence for individuals at any stage of their recovery journey. These positive effects can be explained by the activation of neuroplasticity during recoveriX treatment:

  • 99.9% of patients improve spasticity
  • 99% of patients improve gross motor functions
  • 95% of patients improve fine motor skills
  • 99.9% of patients improve mental performance
  • 95% of patients improve concentration
  • 0% side effects

Acute Stage

Rehabilitation is crucial in the first months and determines the success of the recovery process. Patients benefit from more than one form of therapy, which is why recoveriX should be integrated in this phase.

Sub-acute Stage

recoveriX can be used at inpatient care or outpatient rehabilitation facilities and perfectly supplements physical or occupational therapy. Rehabilitation goals can be holding a glass, riding a bike to work or the reduction of feeling fatigue.

Chronic Stage

Our study has shown that with recoveriX therapy, patients can continue to get better 10, 20 or 30 years after a stroke. Recovery only stops when you stop exercising consistently.

Scientific Proof

Neuroplasticity is a well-established concept that is supported by extensive clinical evidence. The clinical studies of recoveriX neurorehabilitation has shown significant results in improving motor functions and reducing spasticity in stroke patients and they are long lasting.

Patients' Experiences


Johann Lichtenberger had a stroke 2 years ago, his right foot was mostly affected which was the reason why he started the recoveriX therapy in Schiedlberg. In this video he tells you about his experiences with our recoveriX stroke therapy and how he improved his mobility!

Mr. Hufnagl had a stroke over a year ago when he first got recoveriX Therapy. He is one of the first patients who received recoveriX therapy for his foot. In this interview, he tells us about his amazing progress, how he liked recoveriX therapy so far and about his goals.

Julia Haberfellner had a stroke 2 years ago, her right hand was seriously affected. Our recoveriX therapy helped her a lot! In this video she’s talking about her improvements and her experiences with our recoveriX stroke rehabilitation therapy!

Herbert Rofner received the 10.000th recoveriX therapy session at the recoveriX Gym Schiedlberg! He had a stroke about 2 years ago and had recoveriX therapy for his arm and his foot!

Josef Unterbuchschachner was a stroke patient at the recoveriX Gym Schiedlberg in Austria. He started recoveriX therapy because his left arm was affected. Now, he can move his left arm much better, he can use his hand to hold cutlery which he appreciates a lot.

Reinhold Ninaus came all the way from Carinthia to Schiedlberg to get recoveriX stroke therapy. He had a stroke almost 2 years ago before he had recoveriX therapy. Reinhold was paralyzed on the right side, he even sat in a wheelchair. His goal was to get out of the wheelchair.

Throughout the course of recoveriX therapy, this patient had notable improvements of his upper extremities. He was very clumsy and couldn’t hold things in his hand, he couldn’t lift his arms which prevented him from driving a car or bicycle by himself. With the help of recoveriX, he is now able to hold a knife or a plate, drive his car or ride his bicycle. He can move his arms much better and his fine motor skills improved a lot.

Alfred Mühlbacher had a stroke 50 months before he started recoveriX stroke therapy in the recoveriX Gym Schiedlberg! He was paralyzed on the left side of his body! Watch this interview to see which improvements he made in his every day life!

Manfred suffered from a lot of pain in his fingers and he wasn’t able to hold a pencil any more due to the stroke. During recoveriX therapy, functional electrical stimulation of his affected hand helped him to move this arm and fingers better than before. He doesn’t feel pain anymore either.

Waltraud Kranner suffered a stroke a few years ago. Her left side of her body is quite affected. Step by step she gains her mobility back! In this interview she talks about her improvements with the help of recoveriX!

Marlene Mayrhofer suffered hemiplegia after having a brain tumor removed. Her leg, arm and speech center all failed as a result. Speech came back quickly, but motor functions were severely limited. She had pain and severe spasticity, which caused her sleepless nights. After her recoveriX therapy, she was pain free, the spasticity subsided and the sensation in her arm improved.

In the first 17 recoveriX training sessions, Klaus wasn’t able to do the 9-Hole Peg Test. But suddenly and in the 18th recoveriX session, he was able to perform the 9HPT in 10:22 minutes, in his 25th session he could perform the 9HPT in 02:53 minutes. His ability to perform daily activities improved overall.

Mr. Einböck hat a stroke in 2015. After the stroke, he had no control over his left arm. During recoveriX therapy, he realized that he improved his motor functions slowly. In this interview, he tells us his story after the stroke and his experiences with recoveriX therapy.

Mr. Haslhofer suffered a stroke in 2016. When he heard about recoveriX therapy, he immediatly called and made his appointments. His right side was paralyzed. After recoveriX therapy, not only his motor functions of his right hand improved, but also his foot.

Mrs. Miglbauer suffered a stroke 2 years ago. When she came to the recoveriX Gym Schiedlberg, she signed up for recoveriX therapy where she had a lot of motor improvements. She can stretch and move her arm better than before.

Mr. Zimmermanns’ right side was paralyzed since 1999. Before recoveriX therapy, his condition was much worse. Now, he can move his arm really high again. His fingers are less tense and more flexible than before and he can even open up his fist. He is able to hold the mowing machine again.

Bernhard Fösleitner had a stroke 18 months ago. He was sitting in a wheelchair for one year. He enjoyed recoveriX therapy a lot because his reactivity and sensibility improved. He can feel his arm and shoulder again.

After her stroke in 2016, Ms. Brandstätter could only move the right side of her body to a limited extent. At that time, she could not practice her profession as a hairdresser due to the physical impairments in her hand. After about 50 sessions of recoveriX training, she managed to improve her mobility and was then able to hold scissors and hairdryer in her hand and return to her profession as a hairdresser.

Mrs. Rebernik suffered a cerebral haemorrhage. After her surgery, she couldn’t feel her left side anymore. This is when she realized that she had a stroke. It has been already 25 years but Mrs. Rebernik is still trying to recover. Because of recoveriX, her motor functions improved so much that she is able to work the household again, and her sensibility came back too. This video shows the recoveriX success story of Anita Rebernik.

Mr. Tsohohey’s right side is compeltely paralyzed – he couldn’t feel anything after his stroke two years ago. But after recoveriX therapy, his sensibility came back. He feels his arm again. When he concentrates on his right arm, he can feel something. And he can even control his muscles again.

Alois Gruber had a stroke, afterwards he suffered a left-sided hemiplegia. When we did the interview, Mr. Gruber was just in the middle of his recoveriX therapy, having 10 sessions ahead. In the interview Mrs. Gruber explains what improvements he already realized, such as a better sleep, or walking without a stick.

Optimize Upper & Lower Extremities

recoveriX is measuring EEG activity while a patient imagines a hand or foot movements. Once recoveriX detects a motor imagination, it triggers a functional electrical stimulation of the limb so that the limb performs a real movement. Patients love that – especially if they were paralyzed for a few years. This procedure is repeated 6000 times and connects cognitive functions with motor behavior. Due to the amount of repetitions, neurons are forming new connections to relearn the movement. A recoveriX patient has to undergo 25 sessions, each lasting for about 45 minutes, ideally 2-3 times per week.

The recoveriX hand therapy treats the left and right hand and arm functions and leads to a reduced  spasticity and better fine and gross motoric skills. The recoveriX foot therapy treats the paretic foot and the hand and arm, and also helps to reduce spasticity which leads to better fine and gross motoric skills in the leg and foot.

Fine Motor Skills


This is a patient with subacute stroke. The progress made after 25 recoveriX sessions is remarkable, but what’s even more astonishing is that the improvement doesn’t stop there. After 50 therapies, the patient witnessed an almost healthy hand movement!

Gross Motor Skills


This patient started recoveriX therapy 2 years post-stroke. Left side of the video shows the patient before recoveriX therapy; the right side of the video shows her after recoveriX therapy. The patient had difficulty in doing specific movements with the affected hand. After the therapy, she reported that she is now able to make her own pony tail while standing!

  • Box and Blocks Test: Before recoveriX: 21 blocks. After recoveriX: 39 blocks.
  • Nine-hole Peg Test: Before recoveriX: 2:35 minutes; After recoveriX: 1:04 minutes.
  • Manual dexterity improved in over 85%, and finger dexterity in 142%.
  • Spasticity: Significantly reduced leading to extended movement of the affected hand.

Walk & Gait Pattern


This patient started recoveriX 4 years post-stroke. Prior to recoveriX therapy, he had to fixate the handrail with both hands. He may now ascend and descend stairs without clinging to the handrail. He can even carry suitcases in each hand while climbing the stairs. After recoveriX treatment, his left hemisphere displays much greater activation over the sensorimotor cortex.

  • Timed Up and Go Test: Before: 14; After recoveriX: 11 seconds.
  • 10 Meter Walking Test: Before: 9; After recoveriX 6 seconds.
  • Fugl Meyer Upper Extremity: Before: 14 points; After recoveriX: 21 points. He has a wider range of motion in both ankle rotation and ankle flexion.

Walking Speed & Complex Movements


In 25 sessions, the patient’s recoveriX accuracy was 96%. This patient started recoveriX therapy 4 years post-stroke. She claimed that although she could only walk 300 meters before recoveriX treatment, she can now walk 1000 meters. She used a rollator prior to recoveriX, but now that she is so confident that she doesn’t even use a walking stick anymore. Her ability to focus also became better.

  • Spasticity decreased from 3 to 1.5 points
  • Upper Extremity Fugl-Meyer improved from 43 to 54 points
  • Lower Extremity Fugl-Meyer improved from 25 to 27 points
  • Timed Up and Go Test improved from 26 to 15.9 seconds
  • 10-Meter Walk Test improved from 7.6 to 6.4 seconds
  • Barthel Index improved from 85 to 90 points


More significantly, the patient’s walking speed and endurance have both increased and she no longer requires a walking stick. The patient is doing substantially better. The video contains a lot of amazing improvements:

  • She is now so confident that she no longer needs her walking stick
  • The posture of her entire body appears healthier
  • She stands up and sits down more quickly
  • She walks more quickly
  • She looks healthy when she is sitting
  • The tremor in her paretic hand has decreased

Objective Measures

Patients adore tangible outcomes. In order to properly determine improvements, g.tec performs a number of tests both before and after the therapy.

This is a patient’s therapy report demonstrating the positive motor improvements before and after recoveriX treatment.

  • Spasticity
  • Upper Extremity Fugl-Meyer
  • Lower Extremity Fugl-Meyer
  • Timed Up and Go Test
  • 10-Meter Walk Test
  • Barthel Index

Upper extremity training followed by lower extremity training

In our recent publication, we are showcasing the remarkable efficacy of a combined upper and lower limb therapy approach for recoveriX patients. The study, comprising 25 sessions of upper limb therapy followed by 25 sessions of lower limb therapy, demonstrated significant improvements across multiple measures.

Following the initial upper limb therapy sessions, patients experienced highly significant enhancements in Fugl-Meyer Assessment for Upper Extremity (FMA-UE) scores, Barthel Index for activities of daily living, and Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) for wrist and finger spasticity (p<0.001).

Continuing with an additional 25 sessions of foot therapy, patients showed further substantial improvements, including highly significant enhancements in the 10-meter walking test, FMA-UE scores, and Timed Up and Go test (p<0.001). Additionally, there were notable advancements in Barthel Index scores and reductions in spasticity.

This combined therapeutic approach not only enhances fine and gross motor skills but also significantly improves gait and balance. Importantly, the positive effects of treatment extend beyond the initial 25 sessions, offering sustained hope to patients.


Upper Extremity Training followed by Lower Extremity Training

Our recently published paper demonstrates the effectiveness of a combined upper and lower limb therapy approach for recoveriX patients. Patients showed significant improvements across multiple measures, including fine and gross motor skills, gait, and balance. Importantly, these positive effects extended beyond the initial 25 sessions, offering sustained hope to patients.

Read the publication
Scientific results

Gait Rehabilitation in Stroke Patients

In this recent study involving 25 stroke patients, the results showcased how recoveriX can promote substantial improvements in gait, walking speed, spasticity reduction, and enhanced motor function in the legs. These patients experienced superior motor outcomes compared to those receiving EGAIT_EE therapy.

Read the publication
Scientific study

Motor Rehabilitation in Upper Extremities

recoveriX was effective in promoting long lasting functional improvements in the upper extremity in stroke patients with severe, moderate and mild impairment. This functional improvement can be explained by improved neuroplasticity in the brain.

Read the publication
Frontiers for Young Minds

How Can We Train The Brain To Help Stroke Patients?

Frontiers for Young Minds is an innovative scientific journal that aims to engage young people to explore the world of science with access to high-quality scientific information. Therefore, the recoveriX study has been submitted and peer-reviewed by children and young adults. It is free to read and provides a deeper understanding or recoveriX neurorehabilitation.

Read the publication