recoveriX za osebe s Parkinsonovo bolezenijo
Rezultati študije

Parkinsonova bolezen je progresivna nevrološka motnja, za katero so značilni tresenje, togost in bradikinezija, kar sčasoma postopoma ovira gibanje in koordinacijo.Bolniki s Parkinsonovo boleznijo opravijo 24 terapij recoveriX, skupaj s predhodnimi in naknadnimi ocenjevanji. Izvajajo se naslednji testi:

  • Test »vstani in pojdi« (TUG): Ocenjuje funkcionalno mobilnost z merjenjem časa (v sekundah), ki ga pacient potrebuje, da vstane s stola, prehodi 3 metre, se obrne in znova sede. Normalni čas: 10 sekund.
  • Test hoje na 10 metrov (10MWT): Klinična ocena, ki se uporablja za merjenje hitrosti hoje in zmogljivosti hoje na kratki razdalji, običajno za oceno funkcionalne mobilnosti pri osebah z motnjami hoje. Normalni čas: 7 sekund.
  • Test »Box and Block« (BBT): Ocenjuje ročno spretnost in grobe motorične sposobnosti tako, da meri, koliko lesenih kock lahko udeleženec prenese iz enega predelka v drugega v določenem času. Običajno se uporablja pri rehabilitaciji za spremljanje napredka in prilagoditev načrtov zdravljenja za posameznike z okvarami zgornjih udov.  Normalno: 65 kock.
  • Test devetih zatičev (9HPT): Standardizirana ocena za merjenje ročne spretnosti z merjenjem časa, kako hitro lahko posameznik vstavi devet zatičev v luknjice in jih nato enega za drugim odstrani. Normalni čas: 31 sekund.

Predstavljamo primer pacientke. V obeh predhodnih ocenah je bil čas TUG okoli 26 do 27 sekund. Pacientka je pokazal znatno izboljšanje in je na koncu dosegla približno 13 sekund.


Pred terapijo recoveriX je bil čas za 10MWT približno 13 sekund, pacientka pa je v času terapij hitro napredovala. Ob koncu terapije je potrebovala približno 7 sekund (46 % napredek).

Test BBT se je izboljšal za obe roki.

Test devetih zatičev (9HPT) se je izboljšal za obe roki, kar kaže na boljše fine motorične sprestnosti.

Pacientka je po terapijah z recoveriX poročala, da lahko z zelo visoko natančnostjo igra pikado in da se je izboljšala v lokostrelstvu. Trenutno klinična študija še poteka.


Pred/po terapijah recoveriX

Pred/po terapijah recoveriX

Mrs. Drechsler, upon learning about recoveriX Neurorehabilitation for Stroke and Multiple Sclerosis, eagerly sought to apply it to herself, as she suffers from Parkinson’s Disease. Surprisingly, she experienced significant improvements, particularly evident in her darts playing skills post-recoveriX training. Previously hindered by the progression of Parkinson’s, she observed a noticeable slowdown in her daily activities as well as in movement and body control. However, following her recoveriX sessions, her concentration sharpened, her gait speed increased, and she found enhanced focus while playing darts. A proactive individual committed to exploring novel approaches for enhancing her health and physical control, she expresses particular delight in discovering the benefits of recoveriX training.

The client performed the timed up and go test here. This test assesses mobility and requires balance and coordination. The test measures the time, in seconds, it takes a patient to get up from a chair, walk 3 meters, turn around and sit down again.

Here this client performed the Box and Block Test which evaluates manual dexterity and gross motor skills by assessing how many wooden blocks a participant can transfer from one compartment to another within a set time frame. It’s commonly used in rehabilitation to track progress and tailor treatment plans for individuals with upper extremity impairments.

The patient performed the timed up and go test here. This test assesses mobility and requires balance and coordination. The test measures the time, in seconds, it takes a patient to get up from a chair, walk 3 meters, turn around and sit down again.

The patient performed the timed up and go test here. This test assesses mobility and requires balance and coordination. The test measures the time, in seconds, it takes a patient to get up from a chair, walk 3 meters, turn around and sit down again.


[1] Woytowicz, E. J., Rietschel, J. C., Goodman, R. N., Conroy, S. S., Sorkin, J. D., Whitall, J., & McCombe Waller, S. (2017). Determining levels of upper extremity movement impairment by applying a cluster analysis to the Fugl-Meyer assessment of the upper extremity in chronic stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(3), 456–462. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2016.06.023

[2] Page, S. J., Fulk, G. D., & Boyne, P. (2012). Clinically important differences for the upper-extremity Fugl-Meyer Scale in people with minimal to moderate impairment due to chronic stroke. Physical Therapy, 92(6), 791–798. doi:10.2522/ptj.20110009