recoveriX for Incomplete Spinal Injury
Study Results

Promising Results for Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury

Incomplete spinal cord injury patients are of special interest for recoveriX because the lesion is not located in the brain, but in the spinal cord. An incomplete spinal cord injury occurs when the spinal cord is only partially damaged, resulting in varying degrees of retained sensory and motor function below the site of the injury. We tested several patients to see if we can produce neuroplasticity in these patients with recoveriX that lead to better motoric functions.

We conducted 25 recoveriX sessions with all the patients, performing both pre-assessments and post-assessments to determine if the treatment led to objective improvements.

The assessment included the following tests:

  • Fugl-Meyer Assessment Upper Extremities: Measures motor functions in the upper extremities. Normal score: 66.
  • Fugl-Meyer Assessment Lower Extremities: Measures motor functions in the lower extremities. Normal score: 34.
  • Timed Up & Go (TUG): Assesses functional mobility by measuring the time (in seconds) it takes a patient to get up from a chair, walk 3 meters, turn around, and sit down again. Normal time: 10 seconds.
  • 10 Meter Walk Test (10MWT): A clinical assessment used to measure walking speed and gait performance over a short distance, typically used to evaluate functional mobility in individuals with gait impairments. Normal time: 7 seconds.

The data below shows the results of one patient who had an accident approximately two years before the recoveriX treatment. The patient fell from a house roof, affecting his gait. The FMA for Upper Extremity shows the maximum score before and after the therapy as expected.

The FMA for Lower Extremity shows an improvement by 2 points after 25 sessions.

The TUG test improved significantly from 42.56 seconds to 26.88 seconds. Notably, there is a clear trend of improvement, indicating that the patient consistently got better with each treatment.


So far, recoveriX has been tested in 6 patients with incomplete spinal cord injuries, and a clinical study is currently ongoing. We are showcasing the first patient of the study here on the webpage.

Also have a look at our before and after videos, where you can see the improvements, stroke, multiple sclerosis etc. patients, made with the help of recoveriX!

before and after results of recoveriX training

Before/After Results of recoveriX Training

The client sufferes from incomplete paralysis and has noticed increased quad strength and enhanced leg control while walking after recoveriX training. The Timed Up and Go Test recorded a reduction in time from 42.6 seconds pre-training to 26.9 seconds post-training. Similarly, the 10-Meters Walk Test showed improvement, with the time decreasing from 18.7 seconds before the program to 12.7 seconds after the program.

This patient performed the 10 meter walk test is a clinical assessment used to measure an individual’s walking speed over a short distance, employed to evaluate mobility and functional capacity.

The client performed the timed up and go test here. This test assesses mobility and requires balance and coordination. The test measures the time, in seconds, it takes a patient to get up from a chair, walk 3 meters, turn around and sit down again.